Hi guys!
I created my own component for FAQ several years ago for Joomla 3 and now I'll migrating it to the Joomla 4. I have template edit.php where admin can add new questions.
In this template I displaying multiple list where admin can select one or several articles for each question. The type of this field is SQL, but in admin panel it looks like a list.
Below you can see screenshot: I want to style this field and do it something like field Tags in article edit template: This code of this field from XML:Help please, how I can do it?
I created my own component for FAQ several years ago for Joomla 3 and now I'll migrating it to the Joomla 4. I have template edit.php where admin can add new questions.
In this template I displaying multiple list where admin can select one or several articles for each question. The type of this field is SQL, but in admin panel it looks like a list.
Below you can see screenshot: I want to style this field and do it something like field Tags in article edit template: This code of this field from XML:
<field name="id_article" type="sql" label="COM_FAQ_ID_ARTICLE" description="COM_FAQ_ID_ARTICLE_DESCRIPTION" query="SELECT id, concat(title, ' : ( id-',id,' )') AS title FROM #__content" key_field="id" value_field="title" required="" class="faq-width select-multiple choices__input" default="" multiple="multiple"/>
Statistics: Posted by zeus07 — Thu Mar 21, 2024 9:57 am