When I try to do pagebreak it doesn't work correctly, it doesn't break the page nor does the pagination appear. Some help?
For example: https://respirar.org.tempocrea.com/inde ... es?start=1
Thanks you!
When I try to do pagebreak it doesn't work correctly, it doesn't break the page nor does the pagination appear. Some help?
For example: https://respirar.org.tempocrea.com/inde ... es?start=1
Thanks you!
[18-Jan-2024 19:09:08 Europe/Madrid] PHP Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /home/tempocre/respirar.org/modules/mod_acymailing/mod_acymailing.php on line 68Joomla! Instance :: Joomla! 5.0.2-Stable (Kuboresha) 9-January-2024
Joomla! Configured :: Yes | Read-Only (444) |
Configuration Options :: Offline: false | SEF: true | SEF Suffix: false | SEF ReWrite: false | .htaccess/web.config: Yes | GZip: true | Cache: false | CacheTime: 1 | CacheHandler: file | CachePlatformPrefix: false | FTP Layer: false | Proxy: false | LiveSite: | Session lifetime: 15 | Session handler: database | Shared sessions: false | SSL: 0 | Error Reporting: default | Site Debug: false | Language Debug: false | Default Access: Public | Unicode Slugs: false | dbConnection Type: mysqli | PHP Supports J! 5.0.2: Yes | Database Supports J! 5.0.2: Yes | Database Credentials Present: Yes |
Host Configuration :: OS: Linux | OS Version: 4.18.0-477.13.1.lve.1.el7h.x86_64 | Technology: x86_64 | Web Server: LiteSpeed | Encoding: gzip, deflate, br | System TMP Writable: Yes | Free Disk Space : 228.28 GiB |
PHP Configuration :: Version: 8.1.21 | PHP API: litespeed | Session Path Writable: Yes | Display Errors: 0 | Error Reporting: 32759 | Log Errors To: error_log | Last Known Error: 18th January 2024 19:09:08. | Register Globals: | Magic Quotes: | Safe Mode: | Allow url fopen: 1 | Open Base: | Uploads: 1 | Max. Upload Size: 64M | Max. POST Size: 64M | Max. Input Time: 60 | Max. Execution Time: 30 | Memory Limit: 256M
Database Configuration :: Version: 10.6.14-MariaDB-cll-lve (Client:3.3.5) | Database Size: 61.50 MiB | #of Tables with config prefix: 221 | #of other Tables: 1 | User Privileges : GRANT ALLPHP Extensions :: Core (8.1.21) | date (8.1.21) | libxml (8.1.21) | openssl (8.1.21) | pcre (8.1.21) | sqlite3 (8.1.21) | zlib (8.1.21) | bz2 (8.1.21) | calendar (8.1.21) | ctype (8.1.21) | curl (8.1.21) | hash (8.1.21) | filter (8.1.21) | ftp (8.1.21) | gettext (8.1.21) | json (8.1.21) | iconv (8.1.21) | SPL (8.1.21) | pcntl (8.1.21) | readline (8.1.21) | Reflection (8.1.21) | session (8.1.21) | standard (8.1.21) | mbstring (8.1.21) | shmop (8.1.21) | SimpleXML (8.1.21) | tokenizer (8.1.21) | xml (8.1.21) | litespeed () | i360 (7.11.3) | bcmath (8.1.21) | dba (8.1.21) | dom (20031129) | enchant (8.1.21) | fileinfo (8.1.21) | gd (8.1.21) | igbinary (3.2.6) | imagick (3.7.0) | imap (8.1.21) | intl (8.1.21) | ldap (8.1.21) | exif (8.1.21) | mcrypt (1.0.4) | memcached (3.1.5) | mysqli (8.1.21) | mysqlnd (mysqlnd 8.1.21) | odbc (8.1.21) | PDO (8.1.21) | pdo_mysql (8.1.21) | PDO_ODBC (8.1.21) | pdo_pgsql (8.1.21) | pdo_sqlite (8.1.21) | pgsql (8.1.21) | Phar (8.1.21) | posix (8.1.21) | pspell (8.1.21) | redis (5.3.7) | soap (8.1.21) | sockets (8.1.21) | sodium (8.1.21) | sysvmsg (8.1.21) | sysvsem (8.1.21) | sysvshm (8.1.21) | tidy (8.1.21) | timezonedb (2021.5) | xmlreader (8.1.21) | xmlrpc (1.0.0RC2) | xmlwriter (8.1.21) | xsl (8.1.21) | zip (1.19.5) | Zend OPcache (8.1.21) | Zend Engine (4.1.21) |
Potential Missing Extensions ::
Switch User Environment :: PHP CGI: Yes | Server SU: Yes | PHP SU: Yes | Potential Ownership Issues: NoCore Folders :: images/ (755) | components/ (755) | modules/ (755) | plugins/ (755) | language/ (755) | templates/ (755) | cache/ (755) | logs/ (755) | tmp/ (755) | administrator/components/ (755) | administrator/modules/ (755) | administrator/language/ (755) | administrator/templates/ (755) | administrator/logs/ (755) | api/ (755) |
Elevated Permissions (First 10) ::Database statistics :: Uptime: 103380 | Threads: 68 | Questions: 136037828 | Slow queries: 147 | Opens: 584880 | Open tables: 20000 | Queries per second avg: 1315.900 |Components :: Site ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: WF_AGGREGATOR_VIMEO_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_[[youtube]]_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_AUDIO_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_DAILYMOTION_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_AGGREGATOR_VIDEO_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FILESYSTEM_JOOMLA_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_LINKS_JOOMLALINKS_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | K2 Links for JCE Link (2.2) ? | WF_MEDIAPLAYER_JCEPLAYER_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_POPUPS_JCEMEDIABOX_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_LINK_SEARCH_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_ANCHOR_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_ARTICLE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_AUTOSAVE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_BROWSER_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_CHARMAP_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_CLEANUP_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_CONTEXTMENU_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_DIRECTIONALITY_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_FONTCOLOR_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_FONTSELECT_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_FONTSIZESELECT_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_FORMATSELECT_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_FULLSCREEN_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_INLINEPOPUPS_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_KITCHENSINK_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_LAYER_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_LINK_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_LISTS_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_MEDIA_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_NONBREAKING_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_PREVIEW_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_PRINT_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_SEARCHREPLACE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_SPELLCHECKER_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_STYLE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_TABLE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_TEXTCASE_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_VISUALBLOCKS_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_VISUALCHARS_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_XHTMLXTRAS_TITLE (2.4.3) ? | WF_ANCHOR_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_ARTICLE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_ATTRIBUTES_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_AUTOSAVE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_BROWSER_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_CAPTION_TITLE (2.9.41) ? | WF_CHARMAP_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_CLEANUP_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_CLIPBOARD_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | JCE - Columns (1.0.0) ? | WF_CONTEXTMENU_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_DIRECTIONALITY_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_EMOTIONS_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FILEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FONTCOLOR_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FONTSELECT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FONTSIZESELECT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FORMATSELECT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_FULLSCREEN_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_HELP_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_HR_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_IFRAME_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_EXT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_IMGMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_KITCHENSINK_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_LANGCODE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_LINK_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_LISTS_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_MEDIA_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_MEDIAMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_MICRODATA_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_NONBREAKING_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | JCE - Noneditable (1.0.0) ? | WF_PREVIEW_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_PRINT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_REFERENCE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_SEARCHREPLACE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_SOURCE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_SPELLCHECKER_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_STYLE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_STYLESELECT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_TABLE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_TEMPLATEMANAGER_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_TEXTCASE_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_TEXTPATTERN_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_VISUALBLOCKS_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_VISUALCHARS_TITLE (2.9.57) ? | WF_WORDCOUNT_TITLE (2.9.57) ? |
Components :: Admin ::
Core :: com_admin (4.0.0) 1 | com_ajax (4.0.0) 1 | com_banners (4.0.0) 1 | com_cache (4.0.0) 1 | com_categories (4.0.0) 1 | com_checkin (4.0.0) 1 | com_config (4.0.0) 1 | com_content (4.0.0) 1 | com_contenthistory (4.0.0) 1 | com_cpanel (4.0.0) 1 | com_finder (4.0.0) 1 | com_installer (4.0.0) 1 | com_joomlaupdate (4.0.3) 1 | com_languages (4.0.0) 1 | com_login (4.0.0) 1 | com_media (3.0.0) 1 | com_menus (4.0.0) 1 | com_messages (4.0.0) 1 | com_modules (4.0.0) 1 | com_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | com_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | com_postinstall (4.0.0) 1 | com_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | com_tags (4.0.0) 1 | com_templates (4.0.0) 1 | com_users (4.0.0) 1 | com_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | com_associations (4.0.0) 1 | com_fields (4.0.0) 1 | com_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | com_privacy (3.9.0) 1 | com_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | com_mails (4.0.0) 1 | com_scheduler (4.1.0) 1 | com_workflow (4.0.0) 1 | com_wrapper (4.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: AcyMailing (5.13.0) 1 | com_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | COM_JCE (2.9.57) 1 | JComments (3.0.7) ? | COM_MIJOPOLLS (1.1.4) ? | Quick Logout (1.8.0) ? | RSFirewall! (3.0.14) 1 | Acym (9.1.0) 1 | COM_CONDITIONS (24.1.10020) 1 | com_djimageslider (4.6) 1 | SP Page Builder (5.2.5) 1 | SP Polls (3.0.0) 1 | COM_OSMAP (5.0.15) 1 | com_jaextmanager (2.5.3) 1 | com_jaextmanager (2.7.6) 1 | COM_ADVANCEDMODULES (10.0.18) 1 | COM_DBREPLACER (8.0.1) 1 | com_ampz (5.0) 1 | JComment (1.5) 1 |
Modules :: Site ::
Core :: mod_articles_archive (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_categories (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_category (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_news (3.0.0) 1 | mod_articles_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_banners (3.0.0) 1 | mod_breadcrumbs (3.0.0) 1 | mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_finder (3.0.0) 1 | mod_footer (3.0.0) 1 | mod_languages (3.5.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_random_image (3.0.0) 1 | mod_related_items (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats (3.0.0) 1 | mod_syndicate (3.0.0) 1 | mod_tags_popular (3.1.0) 1 | mod_tags_similar (3.1.0) 1 | mod_users_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | mod_whosonline (3.0.0) 1 | mod_wrapper (3.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: AcyMailing 5 module (3.7.0) ? | MOD_DB8SITELASTMODIFIED (2.6) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_counter (8.5.0) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_mini (8.5.0) 1 | mod_dpcalendar_upcoming (8.5.0) 1 | KWeather (1.1) 1 | Latest News + (2.1.0) 1 | Responsive Contact Form (3.0) 1 | AcyMailing subscription form (9.1.0) 1 | MOD_JA_ACM (2.4.1) 1 | DJ-ImageSlider (4.6) 1 | MOD_YOOTHEME_BUILDER (4.2.11) 1 | SP Page Builder (5.2.5) 1 | SP Poll (3.0.0) 1 | JComment Module (1.5) 1 | JComment Latest Module (1.5) 1 |
Modules :: Admin ::
Core :: mod_custom (3.0.0) 1 | mod_feed (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latest (3.0.0) 1 | mod_logged (3.0.0) 1 | mod_login (3.0.0) 1 | mod_menu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_multilangstatus (3.0.0) 1 | mod_popular (3.0.0) 1 | mod_quickicon (3.0.0) 1 | mod_stats_admin (3.0.0) 1 | mod_submenu (3.0.0) 1 | mod_title (3.0.0) 1 | mod_toolbar (3.0.0) 1 | mod_version (3.0.0) 1 | mod_latestactions (3.9.0) 1 | mod_privacy_dashboard (3.9.0) 1 | mod_sampledata (3.8.0) 1 | mod_post_installation_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_privacy_status (4.0.0) 1 | mod_user (4.0.0) 1 | mod_loginsupport (4.0.0) 1 | mod_messages (4.0.0) 1 | mod_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | mod_frontend (4.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: RSFirewall! Control Panel Module (1.4.0) 1 | MOD_YOOTHEME_LINK (4.2.11) 1 | JComment Latest Module Admin (1.5) 1 |
Libraries ::
Core ::
3rd Party:: Regular Labs Library (24.1.10020) 1 |
Plugins ::
Core :: plg_content_emailcloak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_finder (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_content_confirmconsent (3.9.0) 1 | plg_content_vote (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagenavigation (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_loadmodule (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_content_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_actionlog_joomla (3.9.0) 1 | plg_captcha_recaptcha_invisible (3.1 | plg_authentication_cookie (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_authentication_ldap (3.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_token (4.0.0) 1 | plg_api-authentication_basic (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_versionable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_compat (5.0.0) 1 | plg_behaviour_taggable (4.0.0) 1 | plg_filesystem_local (4.0.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_totp (3.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_fixed (4.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_webauthn (4.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_email (4.2.0) 1 | plg_multifactorauth_yubikey (3.2.0) 1 | plg_extension_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_namespacemap (4.0.0) 1 | plg_extension_finder (4.0.0) 1 | plg_privacy_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_consents (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_content (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_message (3.9.0) 1 | plg_privacy_user (3.9.0) 1 | plg_fields_calendar (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_checkboxes (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_color (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_editor (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_imagelist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_integer (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_list (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_media (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_radio (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_sql (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_text (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_textarea (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_url (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_user (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_usergrouplist (3.7.0) 1 | plg_fields_subform (4.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_article (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_image (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_module (3.5.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_pagebreak (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_readmore (3.0.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_weblink (4.3.1) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_editors-xtd_menu (3.7.0) 1 | plg_workflow_notification (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_publishing (4.0.0) 1 | plg_workflow_featuring (4.0.0) 1 | plg_task_check_files (4.1) 1 | plg_task_site_status (4.1) 1 | plg_task_requests (4.1) 1 | plg_task_deleteactionlogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_globalcheckin (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_privacyconsent (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_rotatelogs (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_sessiongc (5.0.0) 1 | plg_task_updatenotification (5.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_extensionupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_joomlaupdate (3.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_phpversioncheck (3.7.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_privacycheck (3.9.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_overridecheck (4.0.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_eos (4.4.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_downloadkey (4.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_categories (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_contacts (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_content (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_newsfeeds (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_tags (3.0.0) 1 | plg_finder_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | plg_user_contactcreator (3.0.0) 1 | plg_user_joomla (3.0.0) 1 | plg_user_profile (3.0.0) 1 | plg_user_terms (3.9.0) 1 | plg_user_token (3.9.0) 1 | plg_webservices_modules (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_plugins (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_menus (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_newsfeeds (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_config (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_privacy (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_languages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_redirect (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_tags (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_content (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_templates (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_banners (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_installer (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_media (4.1.0) 1 | plg_webservices_messages (4.0.0) 1 | plg_webservices_users (4.0.0) 1 | plg_sampledata_multilang (4.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_blogposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_book (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_event (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_jobposting (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_organization (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_person (5.0.0) 1 | plg_schemaorg_recipe (5.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_resize (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_crop (4.0.0) 1 | plg_media-action_rotate (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_folderinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_packageinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_urlinstaller (3.6.0) 1 | plg_installer_webinstaller (4.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_override (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_cache (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_debug (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_highlight (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_languagecode (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_languagefilter (3.0.0) 0 | plg_system_log (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_logout (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_redirect (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_remember (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_sef (3.0.0) 1 | plg_system_stats (3.5.0) 1 | plg_system_weblinks (4.3.1) 1 | plg_system_fields (3.7.0) 1 | plg_system_actionlogs (3.9.0) 1 | plg_system_privacyconsent (3.9.0) 1 | plg_system_schedulerunner (4.1) 1 | plg_system_accessibility (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_webauthn (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_httpheaders (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_shortcut (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_jooa11y (4.2.0) 1 | plg_system_skipto (4.0.0) 1 | plg_system_guidedtours (4.3.0) 1 | plg_system_task_notification (4.1) 1 | plg_system_schemaorg (5.0.0) 1 |
3rd Party:: PLG_CONTENT_ACCORDIONFAQ (3.0.5) 0 | plg_content_jce (2.9.57) 1 | plg_content_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | AddThis - Bookmark and Sharing Tool (2.0.0) 0 | plg_actionlog_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_CONDITIONS (24.1.10020) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_ADVANCEDMODULES (10.0.18) 1 | PLG_ACTIONLOG_DBREPLACER (8.0.1) 1 | AcyMailing : trigger Joomla Content (3.7.0) ? | AcyMailing Manage text (1.0.0) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : Website links (3.7.0) 1 | AcyMailing : share on social networ (1.0.0) ? | AcyMailing : Statistics Plugin (3.7.0) 1 | AcyMailing table of contents genera (1.0.0) ? | AcyMailing Tag : CB User informatio (3.7.0) ? | AcyMailing Tag : content insertion (3.7.0) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : Subscriber informa (5.13.0) ? | AcyMailing Tag : Manage the Subscri (5.13.0) ? | AcyMailing Tag : Date / Time (5.13.0) 1 | AcyMailing Tag : Joomla User Inform (5.13.0) ? | AcyMailing Template Class Replacer (5.13.0) 1 | AcyMailing : Handle Click tracking (5.13.0) ? | AcyMailing Editor (5.13.0) 1 | plg_editors_codemirror (6.0.0) 1 | plg_editors_jce (2.9.57) 1 | plg_editors_tinymce (6.7.3) 1 | AcyMailing - Search emails in Jooml (9.1.0) ? | plg_extension_jce (2.9.57) 1 | plg_privacy_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | plg_fields_mediajce (2.9.57) 1 | plg_fields_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | Fields - YOOtheme Location (4.2.11) 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_ARTICLESANYWHERE (16.0.3) 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_SOURCERER (10.0.4) 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_TABSACCORDIONS (2.1.0) 1 | PLG_EDITORS-XTD_AMPZ (5.0) 1 | plg_quickicon_jce (2.9.57) 1 | plg_user_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | User - JComment (1.5) 1 | plg_sampledata_dpcalendar (8.5.0) 1 | plg_installer_rsfirewall (1.0.0) 1 | plg_installer_jce (2.9.57) 1 | plg_installer_dpcalendar (8.16.0) 1 | Installer - YOOtheme (1.0.7) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ARTICLESANYWHERE (16.0.3) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_JQUERYEASY (5.3.1) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_JSCSSCONTROL (3.3.0-FREE) 1 | AcyMailing : (auto)Subscribe during (5.13.0) ? | System - RSFirewall! Active Scanner (1.4.0) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_SOURCERER (10.0.4) 1 | AcyMailing JCE integration (5.13.0) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_REGULARLABS (24.1.10020) 1 | plg_system_jce (2.9.57) 1 | AcyMailing: override Joomla mailing (5.13.0) ? | AcyMailing : Handle Click tracking (5.13.0) ? | AcyMailing - Override Joomla emails (9.1.0) 1 | AcyMailing - Joomla integration (9.1.0) 1 | AcyMailing - JCE integration (9.1.0) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_SYW (2.5.0) 1 | System - YOOtheme Framework (4.2.11) 1 | System - Helix Ultimate Framework (2.0.18) 1 | plg_system_osmylicensesmanager (2.0.16) 1 | plg_system_t4 (2.3.1 | System - Jtframework (4.0.42) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_TABSACCORDIONS (2.1.0) 1 | PLG_SYSTEM_ADVANCEDMODULES (10.0.18) 1 | System - ampz (5.0) 1 | System - JComment (1.5) 1 | PLG_OSMAP_JOOMLA (5.0.15) 1 |
Templates :: Site :: it_headline3 (1.0) ? | cassiopeia (1.0) 1 | ja_purity_iv (1.2.0) 1 | YOOtheme (4.2.11) 1 | shaper_helixultimate (2.0.18) 1 | ja_stark (2.1.0) 1 |
Templates :: Admin :: atum (1.0) 1 |
Statistics: Posted by tempocrea — Thu Jan 18, 2024 6:42 pm