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The missing class is defined in the file plugins/system/actionlogs/src/Extension/ActionLogs.php. Find the file from the Joomla 4.4.2 installation package and copy it to the web server.
If the file happens to be there already, delete the file administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php. That file is created automatically and maintained by Joomla. It contains pointers to the locations of the PHP classes in the Joomla core and third party extensions.
The missing class is defined in the file plugins/system/actionlogs/src/Extension/ActionLogs.php. Find the file from the Joomla 4.4.2 installation package and copy it to the web server.
If the file happens to be there already, delete the file administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php. That file is created automatically and maintained by Joomla. It contains pointers to the locations of the PHP classes in the Joomla core and third party extensions.
Statistics: Posted by toivo — Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:38 pm